Sadhubela Industries

Wood Craft

In the ancient Mewar, an old city of Udaipur, Chittorgarh, and Rajasamand, we can find the colonies named according to their artisans or their work. For example, Sutharwada, Lohar Ghati, Mochiwada, Lakhara Chowk, Kasaro ki Oal, Cchippo ka mohalla, etc. The same pattern we used in our category- Artisans Colony, which is a place where we can find all products listed on this site, as per their artisan's work or material.

Here the category Wood Craft is a subcategory of Artisans Colony where we recorded the craft made of wood. A few skills where we use other materials with wood are also listed in this category, but the wood unit should be higher than other materials.

For example, decorative wooden vases, wooden idols, wooden bowls and pots, MDF board wall decor, Trays, and a few other crafts made of wood have listed in this category.